women's Ministry
Full Gospel Christian Center has a wonderful Women’s Ministry called Daughtersof the King (DOK) because that is who we are – daughters of the King of Kings! Hetells us so clearly in 2 Corinthians 6:18 tells us, “I will be a Father to you, and youwill be my sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty.”
We meet once a month, usually on a Saturday morning to spend time togetherfellowshipping over a meal like a themed brunch, tea time or luncheon. We growin the Lord and worship Him together. This is a great time for you to get to knowsome of the women here that you may not see on a regular basis. If you’re new tothe congregation or just want to see what a meeting is like, these women will makeyou feel right at home.
Guest speakers share from the Word what the Lord has put on their hearts.Whatever is being taught, it is always from the Lord to make us more into Hisimage and like Esther, we want to be desirable to the King! We discover varioustopics such as marriage, health and wellness, freedom from fear, and prophetic
We always have a lot of fun and an all-around great time of fellowship. At times,
we even like to raffle off small gifts to bring home! We want to love you, help you,
and encourage you. It is important to us and it is important to God that we meet
together. So, if you haven’t come to a women’s meeting yet, we encourage you to
come! And please bring a friend!
You will be welcomed and you will be blessed for coming